Company – the company Planet of Bets Entertainment B.V. (registration number: 133510), registered at: Curacao, Willemstad, E-Commerce Park Vredenburg, and providing the services of online placement and supporting of the Bets on sport events (for Pre-match Bets: football, ice hockey, tennis, basketball, volleyball, American football, handball. Website is owned and operated by Planet of Bets Entertainment B.V., E-Commerce Park Vredenburg, Willemstad, Curacao. Jul 07, 2017 Try these roulette bets at our online casino real money usa and see how they work out for you, or come up with your own winning combination bets and let us know how it goes! Kate Church A staff writer at Planet 7, Kate Church is an avid reader, professional writer and lover of games. Website is owned and operated by Planet of Bets Entertainment B.V., E-Commerce Park Vredenburg, Willemstad, Curacao.
About Us
Bookmaker site offers great opportunities of online sport betting game to its players.This site is owned by company Ruby Rain Enterprise Ltd.
Company Ruby Rain Enterprise Ltd. is registered in BVI according to the laws of BVI.
Company Ruby Rain Enterprise Ltd. is one of the leaders of online bookmaker market. It is permanentely updating its technology, increasing the quality of its service and offering more games and payment options.
We accept payments and we payout money fast using the most popular online payment systems.
Support of the site: contact information is written on this page
What is betting ?
Betting is a gamble with stakes. Every day in the world there is a lot of sport meetings and many sports games is played.
We offer to bet money on results of many sports events. In the case that you win, you will receive winning according to coeficients that were established since the beginning.
For example, if you bet ten dollars ($10) on winning of some team with coeficient two (2), then you will receive twenty dollar ($20) on your account if the team win, and you can withdraw this money immediately.
Terms and Condition
1. Definitions
1.1. 'The Company' – bookmaker represented by Ruby Rain Enterprise, Ltd. (registration number 1551859) which is registered at the address Geneva Place, Waterfront Drive, P.O.Box 3469, Road Town, Tortola, BVI.1.2. 'The Client' – the player who registered on the site of the Company.
2. The offer
2.1. The Company offers services in the placement and maintenance of sports events betting for real money.3. General provisions
3.1. Relations of the Company and the Client shall be subject to the applicable legislation of BVI. The place of performance of all obligations on the betting shall be BVI. All disputes arising under betting or in connection with the betting shall be considered in the court of BVI.3.2. In case of access to the account and implementation any operation with betting or funds in the account the Client accepts these Terms and Conditions and agrees to follow them at all time the activity of his gaming account. The Client is obliged to view these Terms and conditions for changes at least once a month.
3.3. The Company reserves the right to make changes in these Terms and conditions in any time without any consent and notification of the players.
4. Liability
4.1. The Company declares that betting placement can be restricted or prohibited by law of the country of residence. These restrictions are valid even if the permits (licenses) to conduct gambling and betting activities. Therefore the Client must take note that if the betting is prohibited or allowed with restrictions not specified in these Terms and Conditions all liability for any damages incurred as a result of this shall be solely on the Client. The Company shall not be liable for damages suffered by the Client in connection with violation of the relevant legislative prohibitions in his country.4.2. By placing bets the Client confirms that he has reached the age of majority and has full legal capacity to enter into an agreement with the Company. Breach of this term will entail the closure of the account or using other necessary measures.
4.3. The Company shall not be liable for damages suffered by the Client because of improper using of the account as well as in the case loss of the control over the account and using of the account by third parties.
4.4. Claims of the Clients to the Company or its authorized representatives about incurred losses (in particular, due to malfunction of the system, defects, delays, errors or manipulation of data) are not allowed except the claims relating to deliberate acts or gross negligence. In addition, the Company's liability can’t exceed the rate, the rate amount or prize to be paid, depending which the amount is higher.
4.5. If the Client loses 5 000 Euro within four weeks the Company is entitled to assume measures to protect the Client from further losses.
5. The registration
5.1. To participate in the offer of the Company you need register as the Client. In the registration process you are obliged to fill the registration application completely and correctly.5.2. The Company reserves the right to block access to the account for the clients who have provided the Company with false information during registration and to refuse these clients in the payment of winnings and withdrawal of funds. The Company at its discretion may request the Client’s official document (with the photo) identifying his or her personality (copies of the passport’s pages, driving license).
5.3. After successful registration the account will be created. All bets and winnings will be passed through this account.
6. The account
6.1. General provisions6.1.1. Each Client can have one account only. Registered clients are prohibited to make new registration with using new registration information or new email address. The Client is entitled to re-register under his own data but choosing a currency different from the currency of an existing account. In case of violation of this clause the Company reserves the right to suspend activity of the accounts, cancel all bets of the Client and refuse to pay funds.
6.1.2. If there is suspicion of fraud as well as in violation of these Terms and Conditions the Company has the right to refuse service account. Any criminal or suspicious activities may be reported to the appropriate authorities.
6.1.3. In case of failure to maintain the account the Company returns funds available in the account after deduction the processing fees of 10% but on the understanding that the funds in the account was received legally and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
6.1.4. Referral links accounts belonging to one Client - is prohibited. This accounts will be permanently block, without compensation payments.
6.2 Access to the account
6.2.1 Identification of the Client on the Company’s website and access to the account is realized though using of registration data (login and password). Login and password chosen by the Client during registration on the website.
6.2.2 The Client is responsible for keeping of the registration data before third parties and is not entitled to assign the access to the account to third parties for playing on his behalf. Any actions made with using of the Client’s registration data (login and password) are considered as made by the Client. The Client is not entitled to require the Company to cancel finance transaction on his account if these transactions were made with using of the Client’s registration data.
6.2.3. If the Client does not stake and make any finance transaction on the account during 6 (six) months this account will be deactivated.
6.2.4. If the balance reaches zero and the account is not active during 12 (twelve) months the Company is entitled to close the account without any notification of the Client.
6.3 The complaints about the account
6.3.1 The complaints about account statements and account balances can be sent within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of the corresponding statement publication on the Company's website. The complaints can be sent via e-mail or internal mail of the appropriate department. If the complaint is not made within this term, it is considered that the Client agrees to the specified account balance. The Company is entitled not to consider the complaints received after the deadline.
6.4 Deposits
6.4.1 The availability of the payment method varies by country and currency chosen upon registration. When making the deposit the payment systems take the fee. The Company does not take fee in such cases.
6.4.2 Purse of any payment system or a phone number will be fixed to the Client from the time of the next deposit and can only be used by this Client on all their accounts established in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
6.4.3 It’s automerchant for a few payment systems. Replenishment is automatically in this case. If replenishment is carried out manually the process will take up about 72 (seventy two) hours business days.
6.4.4 Each Client is entitled to see the current restrictions on deposit in his account. The Company reserves the right to inspect and, if necessary, change these limits at any time. Deposit limit will be increased by the amount of payments made in the previous thirty (30) calendar days. The Client may agree with the Company the deposit limit which will be more standard. However in this case the Company reserves the right to reduce the amount till to the standard amount in any time.
6.4.5 The Company reserves the right to take the fee for transactions processing and also as well as to change the fee upward or downward. The fee for the transaction processing shall be taken from the Client’s account during the processing.
6.4.6 In case of violation (because of technical problems) entering of the payment on the Client’s account the Client may notify the Company about this fact and provide the Company’s relevant department of technical support with the necessary information (date and time of the payment, the payment system, the account and exact amount)the via the internal mail of the game account . If necessary Company is entitled to request documentary evidence of the transaction.
6.4.7 The payment by SMS shall be made through the company 'A1 Agregator' ( All disputable situations about processing of these payments shall be resolved by the Client with the company 'A1 Agregator' on the site
6.4.8 If the Client pays deposits by SMS the Client receives bonus of 50% of the amount received to the account for the compensation of the operator and the company 'A1 Agregator'. This bonus must be used for the bets on any event. The Company is entitled to change the size of the bonus in its sole discretion.
6.4.9 There is a limit for the payments made by using of SMS to short numbers. If the Client reached the limit he will be informed about in response SMS. Restrictions are imposed on the average rate of 10 SMS per hour or 50 messages a day from one phone number.
6.4.10 For by replenishment by using SMS the Client is entitled to use not more than four numbers which belong to him. If the limit is exceeded the actions of the Client will be recognized as suspicious and it will be used sanctions to this Client (see 6.6.5).
6.5 Winnings
6.5.1 The maximum amount of the winning at one bet is 360,000 RUR. (100,000 UAH, 15,000 USD, 12,000 EUR). The maximum winning coefficient at one bet is 1000. In the event of its excess payment shall be made at coefficient of 1000. In any time all the limitations specified in this clause can be changed by the Company in competition as well as individually for the participants of the bet. Calculation of the bets which were taken earlier shall be made on the previous terms.
6.6 Payments
6.6.1 The Client agrees that the payments are possible only on payment systems which used to make the deposit. If there is no deposit (partner program) the payment system shall be agreed with responding support department via internal email.
6.6.2 If the Client uses a few payment systems, purses, telephone numbers for deposits the payments shall be made in proportion to the deposits of each payment system, purse and telephone numbers.
6.6.3 In case of the payments to the telephone numbers the Company has limit for first payment. The limit is 1 (one) week since the date of first deposit using SMS.
6.6.4 The Client may receive the payments to the telephone numbers only in case his SMS deposits (received by the company 'A1 Agregator') have the status 'ok'. If there is other status the Client is obliged to resolve all these questions on the site If the Client has status other than 'ok' the Company is entitled to refuse to pay from the account as uncovered.
6.6.5 If the Client exceeds the limit of 4 telephone numbers for the deposits, the Company on the step of the payment can use following sanctions to the Client: commission of 20% for each deposit through any telephone number, the delay to pay can reach 2 (two) weeks, the requirement to provide the Company with copies of the contract with mobile operators on all numbers which used for the deposits.
7. The bets
7.1 Unacceptable bets7.1.1 The bets can’t be made on behalf of another person, by order of bookmakers or other persons. It is not allowed to place bets on sporting events to persons who participate in these events (sportsmen, club owners, trainers). It is also not allowed to place bets on behalf of such persons. In the case of breach of these conditions the Company is entitled to declare the bets as invalid, refuse to pay any winnings or return the deposits. The Company is entitled to use these measures immediately after it became known about the involvement of the Client to one of the listed persons.
7.2 Unknown results
7.2.1 By placing the appropriate bet the Client confirms that he does not know about the results of events on which the bet are placed.
7.3 Compromising bets
7.3.1 The Company is entitled in any time and for any reason to refuse any bet which (in the opinion of the Company) is dubious.
7.4 The amount of the bet
7.4.1 The Client is entitled to estimate the bet’s amount but in accordance with the requirements to maximum and minimum amounts of the bets.
7.4.2 The minimum amount of the bet is 1 RUR (0,5 UAH, 0,05 USD or 0,05 EUR).
7.4.3 The maximum amount of the bet is 15000 RUR (3500 UAH, 500 USD or 400 EUR). The Company is entitled to set maximum amount of the bet for each client individually.
7.4.4 To adopt the bet by the system the necessary condition is to have enough balance to cover the bet.
7.4.5 Partially cover of the bet amount is not allowed, the rate will not be adopted without full coverage of the amount.
7.5 The confirmation of the bet
7.5.1 The bet is adopted at the time of its confirmation by the Company. The bet is confirmed at the moment when the message about the bet appears in the section 'Bet history'.
7.5.2 In case of a dispute regarding the moment of the bet adoption it is taken the moment of the bet’s registration by the Company.
7.6 Invalid bets
7.6.1 If the bet is declared as invalid (for example as a result of the event cancellation) the bet amount will be returned to the Client’s account. Herewith if the bet was included into the 'Express' so this express shall be re-calculated without taking into account of this invalid bet.
7.7 Late bets
7.7.1 If the bet is made after the start of the event provided that it is not live-betting) this bet is declared as invalid.
7.7.2 If live-bet is made after the event results became known this bet is declared as invalid.
7.8 Terms of betting
7.8.1 The Company reserves the right to fix individual terms of the bets placement for each event.
7.9 Adopted bets
7.9.1 Placed and adopted according to these Terms and Conditions bets can’t be returned or canceled. The Client is obliged to check the correction of the card filling in accordance with the requirements of these Terms and Conditions.
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7.10 The errors
7.10.1 The Company is not responsible for the errors in printing, during transferring and in the bets calculation.
7.10.2 The Company is entitled to correct obvious errors (also and after the end of the event): the errors in coefficients, the names of the teams or the events).
7.10.3 The Company is not responsible for the correction, completeness and timeliness of provided information.
7.11 The bets calculation
7.11.1 In the bets with fixed coefficient the calculation of the winnings shall be made by multiplying the coefficient by the bet amount.
7.11.2 Calculation of played bets shall be made after the official announcement of the event results but not later than 48 (forty eight) hours since the end of the event.
7.12 Game time
7.12.1 Soccer The regular match time is 2 times of 45 minutes and the time compensated by the referee. The bets can be made only for the regular match time. Overtime and penalty shoot-out are not included into the calculation of the bets (unless explicitly stated otherwise).
7.12.2 Hockey The regular match time is 3 periods of 20 minutes. The bets can be made only for the regular match time. Overtime, bullets are not included into the calculation of the bets (unless explicitly stated otherwise).
7.12.3 Basketball, volleyball, rugby, snooker, tennis, boxing The bets are calculated on the final results unless explicitly stated otherwise.
7.13 Failed / broken / transferred events
7.13.1 If the match never took place, was broken and not completed within a day all bets are void and non-refundable and are excluded from 'the express' (except the cases specified in the in the sport sections). The bets are void, non-refundable and excluded in spite of all accomplished facts (the result of first time, quick goal, goal of the player, etc.).
7.13.2 In the event the match is transferred to neutral field the bets will remain valid. In the event the match is transferred on the field of the other team the bets shall be returned, the bets from the 'Express' shall be excluded.
7.13.3 In the event the match is transferred from one town the bets will remain valid and non-refundable(regardless of the field).
7.13.4 In international matches the bets are returned only in case of the match transferring to another country.
7.13.5 In case of the result cancelation or changing (the protest, doping, etc.) the calculation of the bet will be made by using of first result.
7.13.6 If in a tennis match one participant for any reason refuses to continue the game (or disqualified) the loss is taken in all remaining games and sets for that participant. The calculation will be based on the result obtained.
7.13.7 If the refusal (disqualification) happened till the star of the match the bets will be returned.
7.13.8 If the event was not taken place in due time the bets can be returned (at the discretion of the Company).
8. The Results
8.1 The results are considered valid if it were declared on the basis of official records and other official sources of the information. Considered valid the results are declared on the basis of official records and other official sources of information. Video viewing is not official source of the information.8.2 If there are any signs of obvious error in provided coefficients the Company reserves the right to return the bet (also and after declaring the match results).
8.3 If (at the opinion of the Company) it was happened the interference into the results of the competition the Company reserves the right to disclose the information about the corresponding side (information regarding observations or suspicion in the appropriate misdemeanor) to sports organizations, authorities or other third party which investigate such cases.
9. Live-betting
9.1 Current score, time, the game statistic and other information of Live-betting on the site of the Company is not official. It can be inaccurate or presented with a time delay. This information is informative and provided 'AS IS'. If the Client makes bet on the basis of this information he takes full responsibility and risks for the results of the bet.9.2 The claims related to the inaccuracy of the provided information will not be accepted. The Company recommends to use alternative sources of information always.
Affiliate Program
In order to promote we encourage all users to cooperate in the affiliate program.What does this mean?
This means that we on a voluntary basis enter into mutually beneficial cooperation with the users who wish to participate in this affiliate program with the purpose of obtaining additional revenue.Why is this?
- We undertake to pay 25% of the profit obtained from users attracted by the partner.
- Profit for the affiliate program is recalculated every month (the 1st day of each month) and it immediately becomes available for withdrawal.
- In the case of the negative profit for the users during the month this amount is NOT deducted from main partner's account.
- On your personal affiliate page you'll find your affiliate link.
- You can place a direct link or banner on your web site, forum, blog or other information resource if it is not contradict the Rules of this resource. There is no limitations on the number of links and banners.
- Transitions in your affiliate link or banners on the bookmaker site and the subsequent registration of users are reflected in the statistics for your affiliate page. Users registered through your link become your friends.
- During each month statistics are collected, and the profit is calculated. All this you can keep track without any restrictions on your affiliate page.
- The first of each month we make payments for the affiliate program, we credit your profits to your account. After that your money is available for any transaction.
Thus the proposal is profitable for both parties and does not require any specific skills for entry into the partnership.
How does it work?
It is important to know
You can promote our service by any legal means, but SPAM is strictly forbidden.Customer account combined with a partner. After the calculation of profit for the affiliate program payments are automatically made to it, this will be reflected on your balance.
To get sponsored links and access to the statistics please login or register.
Your personal link will look like this:
In place of 'YOUR_ID' will be the number that corresponds to the ID of your account on the system.
Every time when visitors go to this link and register in the system they are recording in the system as your friends.
Profit for the friends is charged for life.
Here are some banners that you can use on your website:
Payment systems
To deposit your account, we offer convenient and secure payment system.System | Fee | Time of enrollment | Limits |
WebMoney | 0.8% | Instantly | USD 1 — USD 2000 |
SpryPay | ~ | Instantly | USD 1 — USD 1000 |
SMS | ~20%* | Instantly | USD 1 — USD 10 |
LiqPay | 0.8% | Instantly | USD 1 — USD 250 |
Perfect Money | 0.5% | Instantly | USD 1 — USD 2000 |
Liberty Reserve | 1% | Instantly | USD 1 — USD 2000 |
How to deposit money?
Depositing is easy, just a few steps.- In the top menu select 'Deposit'
- From the drop-down list select the desired payment system.
- Fill in the 'Amount' and select a currency:
- Click 'Pay now' and you will be redirected to the payment system for payment.
- Your deposit will be credited to your balance on time.
How to withdraw money?
*Payment is only possible in those wallets and payment systems, with which you previously had made a deposit. The sum of the payments should be proportional to the deposit of each purse. You can click on the link (view) to view available withdrawal amount for each payment system.Withdrawal is quite simply, now you will find it.
- In the top menu select 'Payout'
- Use the drop-down list to select a payment system on which you want to make payment:
- Fill out the form: purse, amount for withdrawal, your password.
*The password is required to confirm your eligibility to perform the operation. - Click 'Request payment', then your request will be added to the list of 'Current requests'.
Additional operations
- You can see the available amount of the payment by clicking the link (view) in the form.
- After placing the request you can cancel it by pressing the 'Cancel' button in front of the request line in the 'Current requests' area.
How to place bet?
Make a bet is very simple!- First of all select the sport discipline you are interested in by opening a tab at the top of the bets area or from an interactive list on the main page.
- From the drop-down list select the desired league.
- Click on one of the suggested odds presented in the bets table.
- The bet will be placed in the bet slip on the right.
- In the bet slip specify the amount of the bet and then click on 'Place Bet' button.
- At this stage, the system may prompt you to log in or sign up and update your account, if not enough money in the account. Follow these requirements.
- Confirm your bet.
Additional operations
- You can click on the [+] to see additional bets for the events you are interested.
- You can remove the added erroneously bet by clicking the X in front of the odds of the bet. You can also clear the entire coupon by clicking on the link in the upper part.
Bets 1X2 (3way)Bets on winner (2way)
Bets 'Exact Results'
Bets 'Double Chance'
Bets 'Handicap'
Bets 'Under/Over' (Total)
Bet 1X2 on the time interval
Single Bet
Standart Combo
System of Bets
Bets 1X2 (3way)
It is accepted those bets in 3 ways: Winning of first team (which is marked with simbol '1'), draw (which is marked 'X'), or winning of second team (marked with '2'). The bet is won if you have predicted the results corectly.Bets on winner (2way)
Winning of some player is the condition to accept a bet. These types of bets are used for games where draw is not possible according to rules of games. The bet wins if player has predicted the result correctly.Bets 'Exact Results'
Accepted bets on result, final score of game. The player wins if predicted result is equal to result of game.Bets 'Double Chance'
Winning of first team or draw, indicated as '1 or X'.Player wins the bet if the first team does not lose. It means that the first team wins or game is played in draw.
Winning of second team or draw, indicated as 'X or 2'.
Player wins the bet if the second team does not lose. . It means that the second team wins or game is played in draw.
No draw. It means winning of first or second team indicated as '1 or 2'. To win the bet is necessary that one team wins.
Bets 'Handicap'
The number given with handicap is added to the goals of chosen team and result of bet is calculated according to the received numbers.Special conditions for different types of games:
'Asian handicap' - without draw. Bet wins if after adding the number of handicap, the team chosen by player is winning.
Bet is returned if after adding the number of handicap, there is draw. In other cases, bet is lost. If handicap number is decimal, this exclude possibility of draw result.
Sample #1:
Roma – Manchester 1:0
Bet on Roma.
Result: 1:0 – Bet will win. 0:0 – Bet wins. 0:1 – Bet is returned. 0:2 – Bet is lost.
Sample #2:
Roma – Manchester 1.5:0
Bet on Roma.
Result: 1:0 – Bet will win. 0:0 – Bet wins. 0:1 – Bet wins. 0:2 – Bet is lost.
'Handicap 1x2' – Draw is possible . Bet win if player has predicted correctly the result of game received after adding handicap number.
Roma – Machester United 1:0.
Bet on Roma.
Result: 1:0 Bet win. 0:0 – Bet wins. 0:1 Bet lost. 0:2 Bet lost.
Hockey on ice:

Handicap is written as '-9/+9'. It means if player bets on first team then the number of goal is decreased on 9. If player chooses second team then the number of goals is increased on 9.
The bets will be calculated according to this rule.
Planet Of Bets On Tv
Handicap is given on games. It means that the result of game is counted according to the number of games that were won, but not the number of sets that were won. For example, if result of game was '6:2, 6:7, 6:7', then result by games would be 18:16.
Handicap number will be added to result by games and according to this result, bets are calculated.
Elena Vesnina - Elena Likhovtseva 0:1
Bet on Elena Likhovtseva
Result: 6:2, 6:7, 6:7.
In this case, the result by games 18:16. The result after adding handicap number – 18:17. The bet is lost even if Elena Likhovtseva won by sets.
Bets 'Under/Over' (Total)
Total number of goals in game. To win it should be correctly predicted more or less than some given number of goals in game.For tennis the number is counted by sets. For example, if result of the game is '6:2, 2:6, 1:6', the total number will be 23.
Bet 1X2 on the time interval
Bet types: 'Who will winner in the period from X to Y minutes?' called on 1X2 stakes period of time. This type of bet has three outcomes: Win the first team to Draw and win the second team. At this bets calculation takes goals scored only at a specified time interval.Sample:
Who will winner in the period from 15 to 45 minutes?
Assuming for a moment of your bet the score was 0:1.
If during the period from 15th to 45th minute, will not be scored any goals, then the result will be a winning bet on a draw.
If during the period from 15th to 45th minute of first team scored two goals, while the second one, the winning bid will be the first team and vice versa.
This type of bets available only in Live-betting.
Single Bet
Single bet means bet on one event. Winning on single bet has equal value of bet per coeficient estabilished for this event.Standart Combo
Express means bet on the group of independent event. Winning is equal to value of bet per all coeficients multiplicated between themselves.It is possible to include in express any combinations of events from any kind of sports that are not dependant between themselves in any way.
Express is counted as won if all events included in it are won. If at least one event is lost, the express is lost. The minimum number of events in one express is two.
In one express is not possible to include different events from one game, different bets of the same player in the same competition (for example: on winning in game and championship). If in one express was included different events that are dependant from each other in any way, the bet will be returned even if computer program had not blocked it.
System of Bets
'System'– is combination of expresses, it is full list of expresses of one value with fixed number of results. There is the same value of bet on every express and the same number of results in every express. The winning in system is equal to sum of winnings of expresses which are included into system.For example, there are three events in bet slip:
Planet Of Bets On Poker
1) Winning of team Roma in game Roma - Manchester United;
2) Winning of Arsenal in game Arsenal – Liverpool;
3) Draw in game Chelse – Middelsbro.
Then, system 'All doubles' will contain three bets:
1) Express 'Roma win' and 'Arsenal win';
2) Express 'Arsenal win' and 'Draw in game Chelse – Middelsbro';
3) Express 'Roma win' and 'Draw in game Chelse – Middelsbro'.
The number shown in the slip is equal to bet's value of every one of the three expresses.Privacy policy
Company Ruby Rain Enterprise Ltd., Hereinafter referred to as 'Company', is a control structure site In order to enhance user confidence in the Company, we are ready to inform you of existing measures to protect the information applicable to the resursea and associated with the use of its products.It should be noted that the navigation on this site does not require you to enter any personal data to the moment when you do not want to use the products presented on the site. The beginning of the use of products includes the user registration system with the provision of personal data.
To gain access to all products on this site, you must register as a user and provide personal data such as:- First Name
- Last name
- Home Address
- Zip code
- City of residence
- Country of residence
- Phone
- E-mail address
- Confirmation of achievement of 18 years of age
Use of your data
Your personal information provided during registration or updated by using on Company products are stored c using facilities of the Company and may not be transferred, sold and not available for temporary use by third parties.In the case of the suspicious behavior of your personal information may be verified with the data provided by your ISP. In the case of fraud in the area of betting, manipulation games as well as actions that lead to disruption of services umyshelnnomu, the Company reserves the right to transfer your data athletic communities, services and other third parties involved in investigating such suspicions.
If you want to close the game account, please note that in order to preserve the integrity of the base of your personal data remain in the system and also protected, as if you are still using your account.
In order to avoid unwanted contact with third parties we recommend you to omit personal information on forums, social networks, chat rooms.
Deny access for minors
Persons under 18 years of age not permitted to use the products presented on this site. To do this during the registration mandatory requested information on the date of birth and proof of age.Moreover, the Company may request from the user copy of the document udostveryayuschego personality. In this case if it turns out that the user is a minor, but have registered false information, all transactions in the account be subject to the principle of retroactivity, regardless of whether they were winning or losing. At the same player account is blocked permanently.
Security measures to protect your data
The company has taken measures and is constantly improving the protection of your data when using the products on this site.- The security certificate from a company with a worldwide reputation, for secure transmission of data from the user's computer to the server of the Company.
- Logging of IP addresses of all computers that access line rates.
- Protection of company's internal network from unauthorized access by third parties. It uses hardware and software sradstva own produc sredstava and protection from international manufacturers.
Change your details
As a register user at any time can change or correct your personal information except name, last name, date of birth and country of registration. Changes can be made in the 'Profile' menu of the main site.Responsible gaming provides a fascinating opportunity to spend leisure time in the atmosphere of the game, which literally permeates everything. To do this, we constantly improve the quality of our products.Most of our users are betting on sports in moderate amounts. But the fact that for a certain group of people is the norm, while others turn into addiction and can cause problems.
Personal responsibility
We believe that personal responsibility of each player to himself personally and to the loved ones is the best deterrent against addiction. We believe that man must decide for themselves whether to play or not and how much to put that in the future it did not affect the physical and moral health of himself and his loved ones. The game should be a game! This is the main rule that we call upon all players to follow.To let the game turn into a disaster
If you feel that the game ceases to bring you pleasure and the former begins to grow in excitement or tension, you should pay attention to it and take appropriate action. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the resource Gambling Therapy, where you can find a useful information and will take proactive measures.23/02 14:45 | 3.66draw |
2.18Dennis Novak | |
2.03Al-Salmiyah | 3.28Al Nasr |
23/02 15:00 | 3.66draw |
1.95Sutjeska | 4.02FK Iskra |
23/02 15:00 | 4.06draw |
5.10Enzo Couacaud | |
4.08Lorenzo Giustino/Marco Trungelliti | |
2.12Dusan Lajovic/Marc Lopez | |
2.74Roberto Quiroz | |
2.01Al Najaf | 3.88Al Diwaniya |
23/02 15:55 | 1.03Lloyd Glasspool/Harri Helioevaara |
23/02 16:00 | 3.30draw |
4.98FK Podgorica | 1.71Buducnost Podgorica |
23/02 16:00 | 7.50Valmiera Glass Via |
23/02 16:00 | 3.24draw |
1.95Scotland | 3.58Portugal |
23/02 16:15 | 2.30Ugo Humbert/Jo-Wilfried Tsonga |
23/02 16:20 | 3.22draw |
28.00Estonia | 1.03Slovenia |
23/02 17:00 | 2.96draw |
1.98Altay | 3.46Altinordu |
23/02 17:00 | 3.20draw |
3.88Teungueth FC | 1.98Zamalek SC |
23/02 17:00 | 3.32draw |
1.62Andrea Pellegrino | |
2.20Al-Sailiya | 2.92Al-Khor |
23/02 17:15 | 3.20draw |
3.58Al-Arabi | 1.88Al-Qadsia |