If all six dice have been set aside for scoring (known as having “hot dice”), the player can choose to roll all six dice again and continue adding to their accumulated score or they can bank their points, end their turn, and pass the dice to the next player. Free Farkle, or Farkel, is a dice game that has also been called or is similar to 1000/5000/10000, Cosmic Wimpout, Greed, Hot Dice, Squelch, Zilch, Zonk, or Darsh to name but a few. Its origins as a folk game are unknown, but it has been marketed commercially since 1982, since 1996 under the brand name P.
Play Hot Dice
Dice are rolling on the table, fiery roads of great prizes and classic casino action. Play Hot Dice and discover the excitement of the best Scratch card games online at CoolCat Casino, the the top casino for US players. The game features realistic action and cutting edge animation that is sure to enhance gaming enthusiast’s experience.
Make your best bet on Hot Dice Scratch Card game at CoolCat Casino and enjoy great winnings through the instant play feature or simply download the software at our site.
How to play Hot Dice
Hot Dice is a game that offers an easy to use electronic portal for players to win many cash prizes. Five sets of dice are displayed on the screen. These will scratch off once you click on them; the objective is to score a 7 or 11 at any of the given dice pairs on the table.
Start the game by selecting you bet amount from a minimum $1 to a maximum $10 per turn. Arrows next to this wagering button allows players to increase or decrease the value of their bet. By clicking on each Dice you can scratch them off, you can also use the Scratch All button to automatically reveal them all.
When each dice is revealed, you will see the payout multiplier of the two below the pair showing how much can you win. Besides landing a 7 or 11 combination, you can also win the chance to play free casino games that boost the chances of keep on boosting your bankroll value.
The Jackpot can be won at anytime during regular gameplay. Payouts cover a wide range of winning multipliers from 1x, 2x, 4x, 5x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 100x, 2000x. If players reveal a chip they can unlock all prizes at once.
Hot Dice Strategy
When dealing with online scratch cards you have to be sure to know how much are you getting paid according to an specific result. For many decades now, dice have been a major source of attraction at regular casinos. Hot dice fill the game inviting players into winning big time. There are some basic strategy advices that can bring big rewards to gaming enthusiasts.
Since different betting amounts exist at Hot Dice, divide your gaming running time and bankroll value between the actual wagering cash you are putting in. Remember to take the game at your own pace, there are no hurries but the sense of enjoying the game as much as you can.
Some players like to divide their bankroll by 100 and then wager 1% of that total number. Let’s say you have a bankroll of $200, so it follows that you should play with $2 bets. After each gaming run you can make a new calculus of your bankroll and bets. The point of putting the system on to the gameplay is to maximize those lucky moments and protect yourself at the same time whenever waiting for the next win to happen.
Using a small betting amount suggests that the game’s extension will be longer and that translates into more excitement. It can also increase the chance of getting those winning combos of 7 and 11 when scratching the hot dice. When your bankroll starts to increase you can progressively increase your wagering amount to open a new dimension of gaming possibilities.
History of Hot Dice
Dice can be traced along history through different eras and regions. The Romans were in fact, very passionate for gaming especially during the days of their Empire; dice where an all time favorite, many people enjoyed the thrills of chance by betting on results proving that dice had potential as an exciting game that provides dynamic action.
In modern times, dice are used in many games not related to casinos such as Monopoly and Parcheesi to name a few. Craps have been another source for dice frenzy across thousands of players who seek out the luck of chance; dice hold a power of its own.
Dice: The table features five pairs of dice, each one is revealed when scratched off.
7 and 11: Combination that has to be made by the sum of the dice to prize the player.
Jackpot: Cash prize that accumulates to be triggered at anytime during gameplay.
Bet: The amount of money you want to play the game with.
Help: Information menu that displays general topics regarding game dynamics and rules.
Back: Returns the player to the main casino software screen.
Just like other casino games, Craps has plenty of terms, slang and jargon that can be heard at the Craps table or around it. Knowing these terms makes the game a little easier to understand and play. Don’t be afraid to ask a fellow player or one of the casino employees about any slang terms you hear at the craps table.
Aces – Betting that the next roll will be the total sum of 2.
Any Craps – A bet that the next roll will be 2, 3, or 12.
Any Seven – A bet that the next roll will be 7.
Arm – Term used to describe a player who is skilled at throwing the dice, sometimes even suggesting that the player can alter the result by the way he throws.
Back Line – same as the Don’t Pass Line.
Betting Right – Pass Line and Come bets.
Betting Wrong – Don’t Pass Line and Don’t Come bets.
Big Eight – Even money bet that an 8 is rolled before a 7.
Big Six – Even money bet that a 6 is rolled before a 7.
Big Red – Betting on any 7 being rolled.
Boxcars – Two 6s.
Boxman – The casino employee who sits behind the table between the two dealers and is in charge of the houses’ chips and overseeing all activity on the table
Buffalo – Betting on all the Hard Ways and Any Seven.
Buy Bets- 5% commission paid to the house so that the correct odds are paid
C &E – One time bet that the next roll will be any craps (2, 3, or 12) or 11.
Capped Dice – non standard, crooked dice which are no longer playable.
Center Bets – Also known as proposition bets, they are placed in the center of the table.
Cold Table – Something every Craps player hates! This table is losing often because shooters are not making points.
Come Bet – wager that the shooter will roll his point
Come Out Roll – The first roll by a shooter, either at the beginning of his turn or after he has made a point.
Craps Out – rolling a craps on the come out roll includes loss of pass line bets
Craps – The name of the game as well as a roll of 2, 3 or 12
Dealer 001f- the two casino employees on the sides of the Boxman who handle placing the bets and payouts
Don’t Come – Betting that the shooter will roll a 7 before he rolls his point.
Don’t Pass Bet – Making a bet against the dice before a Come Out roll.
Don’t Pass Bar – opposite of a Pass Line bet
Double Odds – Doubles the initial Pass Line, Don’t Pass Line, Come, Don’t Come bets.
Easy Way – A dice roll of 4, 6, 8, and 10 with each die having a different number.
Edge – The casino’s advantage over the player.
Even Money – 1:1 payout
Field Bet – A bet on 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 or 12.
Floorman – casino employee who stands behind the craps table, dealers with players and credit
Free Odds Bet – Taken at true odds.
Front Line – Same as the Pass Line.
Hard Way- Betting on a 4, 6, 8 or 10 when both dice are the same number
Hi-Lo – One roll bet that the next roll will be a 2 or 12
Hope Bet – Single time bet that the dice will land on specific numbers.
Horn Bet – A bet on 2, 3, 11 and 12 with the same amount.
Horn High Bet – bet amount is split into five parts. Two parts on the high number 12 and three units for the other numbers 2, 3 and 11.
Hot Table – The best kind to play on! A Hot Table will have shooters making points and lots of money for other players. You can always spot these tables by the crowds around them and the noise coming from them.
Inside Numbers – 5, 6, 8 and 9. Used mostly when placing bets dice
Line Bet – Bet on the Pass Line or Don’t Pass Line.
Lay Bet – Betting that a point number will not be rolled before a 7 is thrown
Lay Odds – Additional odds bet against the dice
Layout – painted marks on the felt showing all bets that can be made
Little Joe – A Hard 4 or rolling 2 2s
Loaded dice – dice that are weighted, results in specific rolled numbers
MarkerBuck/Puck- A Plastic disk that the dealers use to mark the point on the Craps table; ‘Off’ or ‘On’.
Midnight – One time roll bet on 12.
Natural – 7 or 11 on the come out roll.
A Real Hot Dice Game
Odds – ratio of an event occurring, generally the amount paid out per winning bet
Off – bets will not be active on the next dice roll.
On – active
One Roll Bets – betting on a single dice roll
Outside Numbers – 4, 5 9, and 10.
Parlay – Using winnings to increase a bet, usually double (let it ride/ press the bet).
Pass Line (Bet) – Betting the dice will win or pass.
Payoff – winnings on a wager
Pit Boss – Casino employee responsible for all craps tables in one area of casino
Hot Dice Game Instructions
Place Bet – betting a point number will be thrown before a 7 comes out.
Place Numbers – 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10.
Point – number established on Come Out roll 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10
Point Number – One of the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 determined on the come out roll.
Press (a Bet) – use winnings to double a bet.
Proposition Bets – Prop Bets – single roll bets and the hardway bet.
Rail – The grooved area along the top of the craps table where chips are kept
Right Bettor – A player who bets that the shooter will make the Point.
Roll- single throw of the dice
Rounding – Payout rounding. Rounding up or down the amount.

Seven Out – When a 7 is thrown after a point has been established and before the point number is rolled again thus ending the shooters turn.
Hot Dice Game Online
Shooter - The player who is currently rolling the dice.
Snake Eyes – When you roll a two in craps. Each die looks like a snake’s eye
Hot Dice Game Rules
Stickman – A casino employee standing opposite the Boxman who calls out the dice rolls and returns the dice to the shooter, also responsible for the placing and paying the proposition bets.
Toke – A tip given to the dealer usually made on a line or prop bet
The Point – The number established on the come-out roll. Only place numbers (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10) can become the point. The shooter attempts to roll the point number again before throwing a 7 in order to win that round of pass line or come betting.
Three-way Craps – A bet made in units of 3 with one unit on 2, one unit on 3, and one unit on 12.
True Odds- odds a particular number will be rolled on any single dice roll
Unit – bet size used as standard of measurement
Vigorish – or Vig. The casino edge or commission taken by the house.
Working – Bets that are active on any given roll
Whirl Bet – Betting on 2, 3, 7, 11 or 12 with the same amount.
Wrong Bettor – A player betting the dice will not pass. A player who bets the shooter will not make the point and instead he will Seven-Out.
Yo – The number 11. Also called Yo-leven